Monday, September 29, 2008

Music Business--How your band can sell more CD's

Tony Vanveen, President of Discmakers gives musicians his expertize on various aspects of Music Business and what it takes to sell more CD's either at Gigs and else where.I also came up with another way sell more CDs,and it's not online.

Sell them at your fan Q and A sessions,Host jam sessions at local clubs and sell other band's CDs for them,and sell your own as well.Interview bands you like and ask them to set up joint ventures where you all sell each others Cds and interview one another.

And have a Q and A Session for both your fans and the press.

You'll sell a boatload of CDs and EPs if you work together with other musicians.And you won't make a bunch of money online either.Making money offline is "pure gold".

This guy knows what he's talking about.

Mark Grove

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Are you serious? You think he knows what he's talking about!? This guy works for discmakers! Of course he's going to tell you to sell CD's! But you need to wake up. CD's are dead. You must look at new media technologies to distribute your music. The overhead is practically ZERO. Sure, get a couple hundred CD's pressed to hand out to family and friends and have some at shows. But it just doesn't make sense to be shipping hunks of plastic across the country anymore!