Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This is my most important post to date

By Mark Grove

Besides my recent post on the US financial crisis this is my most important post period. The Musicians Instant Press Kit has fallen on deaf ears from my fellow musicians and readers of Canadian Guitar Player.

It's not about money with me, but about getting your music career off the ground. So many of you that I talk to at clubs pay me lip service saying you're going to use my FREE writing service. The majority of you never did, nor will you.

I'm here to help musicians as much as humanly possible. I have great how to articles and YouTube videos from the top players as well. I'm not whining, I just think most musicians will be satisfied with doing nothing as musicians and bitch and complain that someone with a lot less talent becomes a millionaire implementing the Press Kit and the ideas in the article on creating opportunity, even in the midst of the financial crisis.

I take my hats off to those who have used my writing service and go out of their way to help other fellow musicians. We have an incredible opportunity here to help other musicians by creating value for them. If you help enough musicians you'll succeed.

So get started with the Musicians Instant Press Kit.

Just email us here at Canadian Guitar Player

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