Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Master of Black Sabbath's Bottom Feeder Tone Geezer Butler--And How You Can use His Expertise To Develop Bottom Feeding Tone All your Own

By Mark Grove

Co-Writer Dee Curtis

One of the most emulated Bass players known to mankind in the last 35 years Geezer Butler, knows a thing or two about bass tone and how it melds with the rest of your band. I thought about the raps I've had with resident Canadian Guitar player consultant, Dee Curtis on tone and how best to get it. Now, I'm paraphrasing here. When you crank your amp thinking that it will add to your sound, think again.

Even Heavy Metal Bass players have to watch that their bass tone isn't too dirty or just overwhelms the other half of the bass sound, that being the drums. An old Bass Player of Dee's had a Yamaha 300 watt amp hooked up with a Fender Bass; can't remember which model. He loved to just crank that bastard, but it didn't go well with the type of music being played. Dee feels that you don't need to crank your bass amp to get a great tone and powerful sound that doesn't kill everything in it's path.

Also, learning how to set up your amp and bass right for better tone is vital to any tonal perfection, or as close to it as you can get. Dee agrees with me that you don't need even a 100 watt amp when you're practicing or onstage at a local club. If you know how to set up your amp properly, you should be able to obtain bass tone that has deep range and a pocket that just blows you away. Experiment with sound by figuring out whether you should be using a pick or using just your fingers for some tracks.

And if some tracks can use more distortion in relation to the sound your band want, try and mic your cabs and record the band to see if your bass tone has any added depth and tone. You'll eventually figure things out, even if that means a different amp bass guitar or strings. If you love being a bass player,and I know you do, you'll think of everything you do to make your tone better as a lab experiment and enjoy the bass journey.

Bottom Feeder Gear of Geezer Butler

Bass-- Lakland(Bob Glaub Model)
(Joe Osborn)

Strings-- (DR) various models--Red Devil -- Hi Beam--Black Beauties

Gauge -- .050 to .110 .045 and .105

Amp -- Ampeg SVT

Effects -- '75 Tycobrahe Wah
DL4 Delay
Line 6 Bass Pod Pro

Cabs -- Ampeg 8 by 10's
2 by 15's
4 by 12's with EV Drivers

Now, go toward the Bottom Feeder gear boys and girls.

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