Wednesday, January 7, 2009

George Carlin On Why Musicians Shouldn't Vote--This Is A Funny And Important Video From the Master

Why I think Musicians and the general public should not vote. Think I'm kidding, read on.

By Mark Grove

Musicians, Don't Vote ever again. You don't have a say in anything even if you do vote. That's why you should be an indie musician and do what you love. Let the losers vote because they're the ones who vote the losers into office who screw this country up. Not the intelligent musicians like you.

Whether you're a musician or a reader of Canadian Guitar Player who lives in Canada, USA,South America,Europe or Asia--don't vote. Even if you live in Australia where people are fined for not voting. Don't vote, the government wants total power over you.

Are you going to vote again? I sure as hell hope not. If you do I'm very saddened, and it lessens your existence and mine as independent creative artists.

Watch The Master George Carlin and listen to him. This is essential to listen.

Think for yourself. If you do vote you have shit for brains. Don't let any relative, friend or loser politician sway you from not voting. I also watched a video with well known actors on it saying to not vote. It really wasn't about not voting.

They wanted you to vote. Contradicting themselves and conning you into voting. That shows no balls on their part as so called creative artists who control their own lives. The major TV and Movie studios control their lives so they can make their millions. And yes, I like money like these wealthy celebs.

They are hand-cuffed to the industry, and still don't have a say in how anything is run in this country.

If you still believe politicians,actors,and your parents that voting helps, you're doomed.

Peace To all Players,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't vote everybody, Mark is right on.