Monday, October 12, 2009

Zakk Wylde"Beefy Riff" Guitar Lesson on "Suicide Messiah"

This is a simple little segmented guitar lesson from Zakk to show
you how to play basic grinder riffs.Combine a Roto-Vibe Wah and
Chorus with dropped down tuning that sounds so simple a dead dog
or me could do it.

Zakk keeps things simple so these types of fat riffs teach you how
to combine these licks with your type of music.Even Jazz players
can learn from this little Zakk guitar lesson.

Peace and success to all players.

Mark G

1 comment:

Angele Martin said...

If you have the knowledge that practicing guitar scales gives you, your natural talent will give you the seed of a melody and your knowledge of the scales will allow you to quickly develop your ideas and see how your tune sounds at the first, fifth, tenth or twelfth fret. The basic point to why you need to learn guitar scales is that you can learn in a month of practicing scales what ten years of playing hit and miss might give you. Time is short.Really like the video you have posted thanks for sharing it...