Saturday, August 7, 2010

How You Can Play Blues Guitar Like Mike Bloomfield

By Mark Grove--From a ditch in Lambeth,Canada

It's not that difficult fellow players.Mike Bloomfield was one of the greatest blues guitarist's ever.In my books he was just as good as Hendrix for playing blues.Yeah,you're probably thinking Hendrix is the best. Yeah, maybe. Okay,I've talked about how to play blues covers your way in two fairly recent articles,and in passing in many articles. Including many talks with our resident blues guru Dee Curtis. I should always remember to have the tape running when he's's always pure gold in reference to playing tips!

Alright,for those of you who don't know Bloomfield was a blues finesse player better than today's bluesmen,
and yes better than Clapton. He weaved his blues playing his own way which you can do as well on lead guitar and bass as well.Mike also took cover material and blew away his fellow players with his skill. He's one of the few session guys who could play sonmeone else's material for the first time and astound everyone. He would take parts and play them like a jazz player.So here's what to do fellow players.

First,listen to Mike on the 1968 Super Session Album with Al Kooper,Graham Nash and Mike. You'll find Mike delves into different chord structures that come from the simplest songs. Apply these techniques on lead and bass especially for a more percussive like chord feel,texture and riff structure as well. Don't just follow Mike's blues licks note for note.

You can find a copy of Suer Session on Amazon probably. But like I've said in previous articles,the best way to learn if a live band isn't right there is to listen to an analog record album. Find a copy of Super Session on a record. Even if you have to go to a record store and have it imported do it! If you're a real blues player you'll do that. Or find a local blues player who might just have a copy. Listen to the warmth,the tone and feel of the playing. That's real blues being played.

Apply the techniques on this album,pick one song to play like a pro and apply the feel on a jazz and blues level and just enough to keep your playing different from the recording. But enough to keep the basic foundation. Mike passed on in 1981 and we blues lovers,players and writers salute the fuck outta you Mike. This is real music man.

if you listen to the CD version,stop being a musician and sell your equipment. Analog recordings still in good shape are the best. Not analog recorded to digital. Give your head a shake and don't try to pull a fast one. Wanna be a real player?  Play it like you mean it, and listen to real music.

Mark Grove--Still from a ditch in Lambeth.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Visit his website and learn lots more about America's FIRST guitar hero!!!

Then visit this site to learn even more about Michael!