Friday, November 19, 2010

"Free Report" on How your band can open for other bands and create value for that other band

Hey guys. I know it's a struggle out there on the club circuit trying to open for a better band who gets better pay. I will show you exactly how you can do that and create value for that band and other musicians as well. All of us seem to think of ourselves first and sabatoge our efforts as a band by doing just that. If you put yourself first you'll always be scrambling for crappy money on the club circuit behind bands that go that little extra for other musicians,and reap the benefits. Yeah,they may not be as good as your band live or in the studio, but maybe they get out there helping other musicians and slowly get better as a result.

You'll find you get help you didn't ask for if you do what I say in the report. This is not hocus pocus or any trickery on my part. Being genuine and learning from musicians without asking for anything is actually just a little nugget I snuck out from the report. It will pay off in spades guys. I am not asking for any money guys and there is no obligation on your part to ever buy anything. I just want you guys to help other musicians and create value for them. Musicians are some of the nicest, generous and giving people. I hope you and your band will help other players and some day reap those benefits financially.

No there is nothing wrong with doing well. Just give a little back if you do guys.

To read the free report email us here at Canadian Guitar Player:

Just type "Free Report" in the subject line.

Thank You fellow musicians.

Mark G

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