Saturday, September 29, 2012

Super Shredding Guitarist Paul Gilbert Has Fun Talking DiMarzio Pickups, His Amp Rig, Tasteless Guitars and How All This Can Help Your Playing

This is a repost I just felt needed to be reposted. Paul Gilbert helps musicians become better and his guitar lessons and his take on how to tweak your gear can help you become a better musician. If this was the only video I had available for players to learn from I'd take it hands down every time to help axemen.

This is a fun little video to watch, and you'll learn from this humble guitarist Paul Gilbert. Paul always has fun and creates value for players that end up taking action on and succeeding. Paul has been in the game since the mid 80's and has worked with many top players,and ran his own successful bands in Racer X and Mr.Big. Two Metal acts that you can learn from and enjoy.

Look for Paul's band site and info on DiMarzio Pickups at these two links below.

Paul's face is a little blurry, but it's still a great video guys.

Mark Grove

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