Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Why Musicians Like You Don't Need To Impress Everyone With How Great Your Band Is And Just Help Other Artists With Integrity and Honest Value

Hey everybody, Mark here. I subscribe to a great blog from someone who hit it big in music, Michael j Dolan. He runs Music Connection which is a magazine and blog that helps musicians help each other.

But Mike has his own personal blog I subscribe to that has weekly articles from Mike that talk about how to become  the band you want, without trying to be smug and attempting to be better than everyone else.

His recent blog post talks about just doing it, being honest and creating value for other musicians, music industry people and fans. You'll learn a lot from Mike's blog and how to be the kind of musician you should be, and create a music business that has everyone saying "Who Are They? They're doing great things to   help our music community and be better people.

I'm going to include a link to his blog right here so you can subscribe to it and learn from one of the biggies in music, Michael J Dolan.

Thanks Mike. Here's the link to his blog. michaeljdolan.com

Much success to all musicians and music industry cats.


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