Friday, January 4, 2013

What Bands Need To Do to Succed in 2013

It's not what you think. I put up a little blurb on Twitter talking about this and the answer is actually there. In less than 140 characters, no doubt. But I'm going to first of all tell bands what not to do. Okay, here's what not to consume most of your band's time on. Don't spend all your band's time writing songs, getting tighter and just jamming with other guys who want nothing but a good time out of music.

There's nothing wrong with doing those things, but it doesn't help your band get ahead. Get it?

If your band does play once a week, you need to do the things I'm talking about below. if not you'll fail. I don't say that to be an asshole, but to say that you have to work your ass off period. 

Start playing more gigs period. How do you do this? Start by talking to bands who play regularly on a local level and at least two weekends a month out of town. Talk to these bands and interview them. Ask them what they do not just to get more gigs, but make promo material on the band you're seeking out and get them media.

Most bands are shitty at getting media interviews. Look at getting local college media, music radio and music magazine interviews for them. By the time you do all this, ask to open for them at a big gig of theirs. One where you get paid. Do the same for your own band in getting media as well. It's extra work but worth it.

By creating ventures with other bands like this, you'll be sought after to open up for other bands and be a headliner making more cash for your own band. Get it? Good. You better get it.

Keep doing all this on a local level until local clubs can't afford your band, and you're headlining and opening for better bands. Then your band can start working on playing bigger venues than clubs and start making 1,000's a night. But keep on getting media for your band, other bands and create joint ventures with other bands getting media for them, maybe selling their CD's and creating a small label of your own as well.

You'll start getting bands coming out of the wood work wanting to send their material to you and doing what you're doing. Don't worry if they try to copy you. Most won't have the guts to do what you're doing and they'll quit.

Your band can start it's own consulting business for bands, getting bands media, selling their CD's, being a headliner for them and making money even booking them. Your band makes money on it's own and gets a cut of the action from other bands. This is what you want to do. Your band can still write, record and jam,: But you'll be happier being what you always wanted, a highly paid musician.

Oh, your guys can even make extra cash doing session work with other bands. "The sky is not the limit".
I switched that around from , "the sky's the limit." You can do just about anything music wise and make cash, period.

Do these things, or you can ask me and I'll help your band out.

Choice is yours guys. Get to work.

Mark, somewhere South of Constitution Park--" It's much easier on your constitution".

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