Thursday, February 27, 2014

What Kind Of Guitar,Amp And Effects Rig Do You Use? I Will Feature 2 Musicians And Their Rig In A Contest--Just Read Below

I wasn't sure what to write at first. So, I thought it's time to feature some musicians on the old blog again. Oh, this is a question for all the blues cats and rock musicians who read my good old blog. This unfortunately is not for players who are into death metal or anything that makes my ears bleed. I love rockn' roll and blues. Yeah, I'm old school so sue me. Wait, that might happen it today's litigious society. Sue me for hurting your artistic feelings. Do I hear a human rights tribunal in the offing too? Oh probably. Yeah, I'm a prick. This little contest is for blues and rock artists who are more old school and play to the style of 60's and 70's music, when there was real talent. Okay, since I've probably pissed off a slew of my readers who know I'm a prick, are you still interested in actually going in the contest, get some hip media coverage and learn something about taking your band further? Then just answer my silly little easy question. Even if you don't win the contest, I'll have another in about 2 months. So don't worry too much. 

What kind of Guitar, Amp and Effects pedal set up do you use? I will choose two musicians. You just have to answer this question correctly. It's really easy guys. Like taking candy from a baby. 

Here's the question guys. If you can't get this, I'm in the wrong business.

Who's the bass player for Black Sabbath? That's easier than pie guys.
I'm going to pick 2 musicians and feature their rig setup on Canadian Guitar Player.

Just send me an email here: I'll feature your rig and do a short interview if you have a band as well. I'm here to create value for the musician and help out. Much success on stage guys.

I will feature more musicians as the year drones on, so never fear guys, I'll be here ta help ya out.

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