Friday, March 21, 2014

Relationships With Other Musicians Are Key To making Money

I see musicians all the time who are great, but won't go that extra mile to be a friend to other musicians they would like to open for, do some session work with, or do the hip thing and get them some free media.

Here's what to do. Even I'm guilty of not doing what I should to get business with musicians, thinking I can just go by my talent as a writer. Very few musicians or creative people can get by on talent alone.

You have to cultivate friendships and create value for other musicians. It may take months to start a good relationship with other musicians. Especially if you'd like to open for them.

Okay, lets say you're not a social butterfly type. What you can do is find out all you can about that band, grab a CD of theirs, and yes pay for it, then go see them live. Most bands don't get the kind of media they really need and here's where you come in.

Think of questions you can ask them. What guitar,amp and strings they use, and how that plays into the type of music they play. Even how the effects they use help to develop their own tone and feel.

Please don't ask about influences. Drives me nuts. That's a start guys. Believe me a band you want to work with will appreciate this big time! Keep on creating massive value for them. It's kind of like what I call getting your results in advance, step by step.

How many bands do you think would go out of their way
to interview or create that kind of value for other bands. With most of them it's like here's my CD and Press Kit, we're great, let us open for you and pay us.

It doesn't work like that guys. Email me if you'd like some assistance with this. I don't care where you live, just email me.

Much success musicians!

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