Friday, January 2, 2015

How Your Band Can Be Better To Other Musicians And Be More Successful By Being Helping To Musicians

How your band can be better to other bands in the new year.
Most of us including a lot of blues bands I know, only think about themselves and how to get ahead playing gigs and selling more CD's.
That's all fine and good but it's important to help other bands just by offering to help them with media, interviewing them regularly and putting the word out to other bands about a band you're helping. Don't do it for money either.
That can come later. Some of the best joint ventures for blues bands I've helped have been other players going out of their way to help other musicians. Maybe you eventually open for them, and they open for you. Consciously help other bands and be genuine and honest.
And some of the best collaborations between musicians, and those bands looking for session players aren't necessarily managers or agents helping bands, hell no! It's been other musicians helping one another.
So, starting now make a pledge, or actually promise yourself to help other bands. Don't just think about what you can get out of it. Believe me, other bands,club owners, agents and record labels will see what you do to help other bands, and they'll want to talk to you about projects your band or you as a musician can help with.
I think it's a great way to help other musicians, unselfishly. Look forward to the new year. And make a promise to yourself to do just what I've been saying here.

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