Tuesday, February 16, 2016

How To Choose The Right Amp Head

Musicians,if i could help you choose the right type of Amp head for the music you play that gives you tips and tricks to tweak your tone correctly,would that information be worth it in exchange for your email address?
I'll be interviewing several top players on just this subject which could help you determine the right type of amp head to use.
As some of you know one of my experts is an old friend from Detroit:Dee Curtis. Dee's been instrumental in helping musicians over the years,and helped my blog to give musicians great "how to" info to help your band work with other bands in joint ventures and knows his stuff gear wise as well.
So, for musicians who know this is information that's important and can help your tone immensely,and are gear heads too,just fill in your name and email address and I'll send you "free reports" first of all on choosing the right amp head,and then I'll doing an online call with Dee Curtis and person to be named later which will be interesting in and of it's self.
You'll learn a lot on choosing the right amp head,what cabinet is right for the amp head--and how to best tweak that amp head for your genre.

So just go over to the right sidebar of the blog and put in your name and email address. It won't hurt ya' a bit,unless ya' like that sorta thing," It's the only thing in the sidebar and I'll send you monthly "free reports" on amp heads,gear and music business to help you in your game plan as a musician and band as well. 

Well worth it all in exchange for your  "little old email." 

So go over to the right side bar and get started guys. i know you'll succeed as musicians,and that's what I want for you.

Much success!

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