Monday, March 28, 2016

Guitar Players---Here's Why You Hate Practice--And Will Never Do It Regularly

Guitar Players,here's why you put off practicing.
You hate practice. lets face it,most of you can't stand the thought of doing regimented practice at home with your guitar.
Most of you won't keep it up either. But hats off to those of you who do practice and are dedicated to it.
I realize you can think of 20 other things you'd rather be doing. One of those is doing the wife,or partying with your buddies. The majority of guitar players will never sustain long term practice
for years and years. Just the way it is.
Here's a thought...
Why not jam with your musician friends. Have weekly jam sessions,or get your ass out to jams at a local blues club To me that is more sustainable than boring,regimented practice.
As well, and I'll be honest with you;most musicians I know have regular bands and don't practice regularly. Plus, they jam at local clubs as well. But if you're in a serious band you have to practice set lists to some degree,even if your band knows it's stuff by heart and can kill it on a moment's notice.
But for most guitar players practice has it's place and benefits,but lets face it it's not fun. That's why most people don't do it. 
But there are alternatives which I've outlined above.
So have fun playing guitar and get yourself out there playing with other players. And you'll learn more than just practicing on your own as well.
So have at er!!

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