Sunday, July 31, 2016

Pink Floyd Coming Out With Old Material In A Gigantic 27 Disc Box Set---And New Unreleased Material From 1967 to 1972

Pink Floyd,one band who has taken many of us trendy chemical amusement aid users,and musicians into it's grasp over the years and brought forth music that took us on a journey we'll never relinquish. And in the end Floyd stays with us,not the high from givin' it pushin' the envelope with Acapulco Gold,Lovely Lysergic trips,or a bevy of pills we shouldn't have been taking in the first place. But Floyd taught musicians how to take blues and basic rock n' roll and jazz--and give it a new twist only real players like Gilmour or Waters could accomplish. There by creating some of the first real Progressive Rock.
Along with all of that Floyd is set to release a new 27 Disc Box set later in the year of all their material from 1965 to 1972 if I'm correct. So don't quote me on that. If you're a true Floyd lover you'll pick up this box set and listen to er' right through,not just listening but really learning, not just how they played their music,but composed and recorded it.
One of Favorite albums is " The Piper at The Gates Of Dawn" That was done in 1967. As well there will be unreleased material done in the 65' to 72' period as well.
This won't come out until the fall,and I'll have it available through Canadian Guitar Player,and here on good old Zuck's lovely experiment,Facebook. It won't be cheap, but it's like I keep saying with musicians of the 60's and 70's era, their tips on playing,recording and composing material are worth a bloody fortune!! And Floyd is no different.
So keep yours eyes and ears peeled later in the year,and I'll have it for sale on Canadian Guitar Player and here on FB.
Believe you me,well worth the wait.
But for now go get yourself some knowledge musicians and get back on the old blog to learn some tips and tricks from playing to music business,and artist profiles.

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