Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Musicians, How Watching Johnny Carson Can help Your Band Resonate With Your Audience Better

First things first. Johnny and Conan make fun of themselves and we're good about it and had fun to boot. There weren't into talking about themselves and building up their reputations. This helped them be more one on one with their audience and fans watching them at home like me. Most of us didn't understand what they were trying to get across marketing wise, yes this has to do with marketing and social interaction, decades before there was  Social media.

They were just being regular guys having fun with their audience in a way that created value and down to earth humility. Not a hidden agenda like a lot of entertainers. This creates bonding with fans like you wouldn't believe.Musicians should be doing the same thing with their audience and fans as well.

Don't be ego driven on stage,just play your ass off and when you get off-stage be humble. Albert Collins a great bluesman would agree. Grab a DVD of Johnny or Conan and look at the very valuable nuggets of interaction with their crowd that are true marketing wisdom.. You have to relate to your audience in a way that doesn't come across like,I'm better than you,buy my stuff.

That's what a lot of talk show hosts do these days. Talk about themselves and think everyone should laugh and be amazed. Johnny and Conan weren't ego driven. I got the idea for this post from a well known writer named John Carlton who knows how subtle marketing works like a charm. Musicians could learn from this lad in their value creating and marketing efforts.

 Johnny and Conan went with what works for them and didn't try to be different than their personalities. They enjoyed being made fun of because they understood that it was done all in fun. They wanted to be your friend without any hidden motives. That's real marketing. I miss Johnny especially and know Conan is still doing his thing, but I never watch him anymore.

Actually,  I don't have a TV at home. Make fun of your band and yourself and you'll resonate with fans more. But play your ass off.

Mark Grove                                                                                                                                                     

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