Monday, August 13, 2012

How to Use reverse engineering To Get Media Attention For Your Band

How to Use reverse engineering To Get Media Attention For Your Band

How to Use reverse engineering To Get Media Attention For Your Band

What I'm talking about here isn't rocket science. I'm the farthest thing from a techno geek there is. But what I want to help you with is going off the beaten path for media so the mainstream media starts paying attention.

How to create your band's own media and how to work with other bands in profitable ventures, and people in the record label end of things in ways that don't have you just pulling money out of your pocket. Just think, developing your own media campaigns, opening for other bands, working with them in joint ventures and actually making money working with record labels and their artists.

Hopefully the audio makes it clearer. If your band needs help getting started or would like more information, just email me and I'll send you the Free Report on doing all this. There's nothing to buy and no obligation on your part to ever do a thing. That's up to you and your band. I'm here to help create value for bands.

If you need further assistance, just email me at:

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