Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Musicians, Why Learning From This Accomplished Screenwriter Can Make You A better Songwriter Forever

By Mark Grove

Yep, songwriting and screenwriting are intertwined. For anyone who's a real musician or involved in the arts as an actor or screenwriter will tell you so. This Hollywood Guru will give you the goods on becoming the writer you were meant to be. Not just to make money but to do the kind of writing in music that takes it to a whole new level.

And you don't have to be an A-list writer or even a musician that makes 10 G's a night. Just start writing guys. I know, you're thinking songwriting and screenwriting are totally different.I think they're a lot a like.Where you get ideas from, how to write lyrics and the music, and the fact dedicated songwriters and screenwriters write everyday. Whether it's one page or 10.

Songwriting ideas are grabbed from the same thoughts on life situations that can't be answered. And movie and TV screenwriting ideas are based a lot on situations that can't be resolved or answered. But writing the lyrics and music are the only things that differ slightly from screen writing.

Only slightly.

So, don't write songs strictly for business and making money, or else you'll end up quitting. Don't think so? most songwriters and screen-writers do quit if they don't live out their writing dreams.

Be willing to fail as many times as it takes as a songwriter.

Still don't believe songwriting and screenwriting aren't intertwined, then you need to learn more from screenwriters and write more.

No, don't take a course but think about learning more and interviewing a successful songwriter or even a screenwriter.

Much success in your songwriting.

Mark G

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