Tuesday, October 23, 2012

This Little Video From Internet Marketer Jason Moffatt Can Teach Musicians How They Can Focus On The Outcome Of Getting Gigs And Working With Bands, Instead Of It Being A Daunting Task

I find most musicians focus on how hard it is to get gigs,work with other bands or just get simple media attention. That's where so many of you go wrong. Don't worry about what it's going to take to do it,
just focus on small goals to get you there. Jason Moffatt who's a well known marketer and internet business man, always gives little nuggets of tips that can help people in so many ways.

That's why I have him here on the blog. Musicians, I know if you just focus on helping others such as other musicians and creating value for others--you'll get where you need to go. I always talk about creating media for other bands first before worrying about your band. You'll get ahead faster that way and be the kind of band other players look for. Especially bands that do regional and national tours.

Yes, I truly feel bands miss the boat when they strictly think about themselves and what they want to achieve. When it comes down to just getting that first gig for your band, don't think about how hard it will be to get there, just get started and help another band get media attention as well as a club you'd like to be booked at.

So watch the video from Jason and email me with your thoughts guys.

I'll have another tip on this very topic soon. Thank you to Jason Moffatt. For more info on achieving success and helping others, just click this link to Jason's site at: http://www.jasonmoffatt.com

As well, you can look at Jason's business blog to learn more at: http://www.profitmoffatt.com

Believe me he's one person who has helped so many become a success when they didn't think they could.

Much success musicians.


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