Friday, October 19, 2012

Dee Curtis On How To Use Stomp Boxes And Pedals For Greatest Effect On Your Own Guitar Tone

with  Dee Curtis

This innovative gear boy takes a minimal approach in regard to his effects and stomp box setup

By Dee Curtis

Co-writer: Mark Grove

03/16/03 Back Issue Article

Yeah, this is a repost from way back when. Almost 10 years back when Canadian Guitar Player was just a little old blog no one knew about. Over the years I've hopefully created great value for ya's all. Especially the players who want to make music a full fledged career, help other musicians and yes make some cold hard cash too!

Dee Curtis is still my main consultant here on the blog and i continue to dole out my drivel that hopefully helps your band get more gigs, help other bands and be the kind of band others aspire to.

But this little blurb here with Dee teaches you how to use stomps and give your tone the feel and texture it needs for jamming, session work or playing live. I keep these short and informative so you can get back to playing.

Now Dee himself admits to being a bit of a gear hound and having a degree in electronics doesn't hurt either. Dee has "moded" everything from his guitar pickups and amps up to and including his stomps and effects boxes. But this co-writer feels it's too easy to ruin your original intentions and use too many effects that end up not being your sound at all.

MG: Should beginning guitarists use effects or stomps,or should they develop Their chops first?

Dee: They should develop their craft first.Chords and scales.

MG:What is better for an axeman to start with-a stomp or a pedal?

Dee: Start with an overdrive, it will become a part of most guitarist's sound.

MG: Does the type of guitar and pickups determine the type of stomp you should use, or is it the type of music?

Dee: I would say the type of music but there are no rules.

MG: What kind of stomps and pedals do you use?

Dee: Crybaby/TU-2 Chromatic Tuner/Octave Fuzz/Marshall Guv'nor.

MG: Is it necessary to use effects at some point or can the type of pickups and strings you use,and the way you use them have an effects sound?

Dee: As your playing gets better add some kind of FX. There are many brands of pickups and guitar strings that a guitarist can use. Over the years I have used many brands. Its up to the guitarist and the style of music he or she plays that will determine what they will use.

MG: Do you feel most musicians know how to use stomps and pedals to enhance their sound?

Dee: [Most Do ] Musician use FX pedals to bring to life the colors of sound we hear in our minds.

Dee's answer to this last question I tend to have reservations about. I find a lot of even good axemen tend to use pedals and stomps in a way that colors their original intentions and tones, a little too much. then they end up relying on their pedals as a crutch to help their sound. Not good.Just my silly opinion.

Mark Grove-Canadian Guitar Player

Dee Curtis-Independent Canadian Musician send him a question on effects

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