Thursday, November 1, 2012

Do Real Players Want To Listen And Learn Hendrix Blues Material from Vinyl Anymore?

Picture of Jimi and Billy Cox.  I see that the Hendrix clan is coming out with yet again more Jimmy. I personally would like to see vinyl only versions of his old obscure stuff come out like the blues masters of old. But they want totally remastered CDs and DVDS. Nonsense. If you're a real lover of Jimmy,and especially the Bottom-Feeder King and his sideman Billy Cox, then you're a true Jimmy lover. There is probably good documentary footage in this box set, but the versions of his playing starting back from about 1964 when he got out of the military, is when the true beauty of Jimmy's music shined. Although, I think he learned more from being a blues sideman than any of the other sessions he did, including a lot of solo material he scorched on.

If any players want to truly learn from Jimmy's playing you have to play to his vinyl only versions of his blues and free form jazz and funk, before he hit it big in England with The Experience. I won't give you a link to the new Hendrix box set. Sorry guys. Yeah,I'm a prick. Go back to his vinyl guys and just love it!


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