Monday, November 19, 2012

How Musicians Can Come Up With A Press Kit

Hey Guys, this is super simple believe it or not. Don't do what everyone else does and gets a generic bio on the band with some boring stuff on your band. When every musician thinks one way, go the other.

Here's a simple idea. Look at your guitar, amp, effects and other accessory hardware and equipment you use; such as strings, pickups, guitar pics etc. Take that info down and make an article out of it.

Things like why you chose the pickups you use and how it melds with the music you play. As well as how you set up your guitar and amp. Other musicians, club owners and studio producers would love to know this information. It could help in getting you session work in a studio or with other bands.

For more info on how to do this, or if you would like us to write it for you just email us.

PS: oh, I just thought of another idea. Besides coming up with ideas on how to create your own media kit, you could do the same for other musicians and bands and create value for them. Believe me, if bands and people in the industry see you doing things to help other players,they'll want your business and hire you.

Just email me for more info or get us to write your press kit.


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