Friday, November 16, 2012

The Musicians Instant Press Kit--A Great Way For Your Band To Succeed

 Does the Musicians Instant Press Kit really work for musicians? Would you love to open for musicians like Jerry Garcia, David Crosby or Neil Young?

If you've ever wondered if there's such a thing as getting good gigs, working with other musicians, then you'll want to read every word of this post--because the answer is in it's simplicity. Would your band like to open for bands that make 10's of thousands a night? Sure you would.

I want to encourage you to check out our articles and audios on how to build your band's own press kit, get free publicity and open for bands and make more cash doing what you love!

                                                                                                                                                                  If your band could make the process of creating a Press Kit with articles, interviews, videos and audio simpler, would you do it? I think most would. The internet makes it easier than going out and trying to get mainstream media to interview you. They want bands who create a buzz around town. Forget that shit! Why do you need to be number one? Why?

 Start by doing something as simple as interviewing a band member. Put that interview on your site. if you're playing a regular gig at a local club just invite College media out. Like I keep saying, College media are more hip and in tune to music and musicians. They understand it more than mainstream media hounds.

  Get them to do an interview in front of the audience before your gig. Have the college media announce this before your gig, whether they're college radio, print or TV. This will help bring more people who want to listen to your type of music. Hit Social media like Twitter to build a fan/subscriber list to your music.

Do this regularly at your gigs. Do interviews that is. Offer bands you like the chance to open for you as well, and interview them. Create value for other bands. I realize I keep repeating this constantly but if you want to build a following and get work as a band that gets it, you need to use media that's under the radar and help other bands.

But doing your own band videos, audios and articles to help bands and fans will help your band create joint ventures with bands selling their CD's and getting 10 percent of any bookings you make for bands you're doing media for and open up for you. Do the same for bands you open for. That is interview them at their gigs and offer to interview them regularly keeping the interviews on your site and in college media.

Like I said the best bands are ones that do their own material and only use college or underground media. As well, doing the type of music that real attuned listeners understand. Real Musicians.

But I do offer to write regular Press Kit material for musicians for a fee. Yes, I want money for my service.

Here's What I Got Guys: A Press Kit service for musicians of regular articles, interviews, artist profiles and show your band how to approach other bands you want to work with opening for them, and have bands open for you. If you think this is for your band just email me: 

Why You Should Use Our Service: Mainstream media is not there to help your band and most people want to see you fail. Makes them feel better. That's bullshit! Of course you will succeed. You're a great musician and your band needs a little help to get to where it wants to go. I think our Press Kit service will help your band create value for you and other bands to boot. I think we can help your band.

 If you think the Musicians Instant Press Kit is for your band email us at:

 We're here to help musicians and the music community. I look forward to working with your band.

Much respect and peace to bands who keep good music alive.

Mark Grove  shareSerials Online

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