Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Why Your Band Needs To Stop Being Envious Of Other Bands Success And Just Do It

 I decided to put up this little blurb on why musicians should not be envious of other musicians who hit the big time. So what! Be grateful they are making 10's of thousands or a 100 G's a night. Gives your band something to strive for.

"And it's too bad, can't get me none of that." (Aerosmith-- Get Your Wings Album--1974)

It may be a sexual reference, but it relates so much to what musicians don't have; " Money."

What? Don't think you can't do it. Then too bad for you. Your band should be interviewing successful bands you'd like to open for. Create value for them. Don't just ask them how they made money.

If all your band wants is a handout, you'll have envy and be pissed off at their success forever. You'll play the blame game. That's what most musicians and people do. Ever wonder why most don't succeed?

It's pure greed. It's not the musicians who make big cash who are greedy, it's you. Still don't believe me do you. Your loss, not theirs. Yes, they started their band where yours is making a couple hundred a night, but they decided to get up off their asses and do it.

They sought out bands who have succeeded and created value for them. They created and forged a joint venture that benefited both groups, not just yours. Please don't blame others for success. Yeah, when you start making money in music more people are willing to help you.

That's because your band made inroads with others such as other bands, agents, labels and media. Stop getting pissed because another band is successful. Seek them out and learn from them.

I'm including a link to an article by a well known marketer and musician, John Carlton. In this piece he talks about "envy" and why you should stop the envy bullshit and get on with making your life better in your business. Yes, we all have envy to some degree, even people who are already rich, but they learn how to get to the next level by education, marketing and creating value for people they want to learn from.

Please do the same for your band.

Much success to your band. Here's the link to John Carlton's article on envy. http://www.john-carlton.com/2012/11/the-envy-cure-2/

John is one of the best copywriters in the advertising business period. He's a bit of an old cranky guy, but he got his start learning from the best writers and marketers period. I think you'll learn from him and set your band on fire for the big time!

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