Monday, January 28, 2013

How To Promote Your Band Effectively, Both Online And Offline

Hey everybody. I was just reading the Guitar World blog section and I usually come across indie artists that write articles to help other musicians. It's a great way to learn how to promote your band and a great resource for people in the music industry as well.

I came across one article from a Los Angeles musician named Will Wallner who's becoming a well known player there, and known on the Guitar World blog and forum section as well. He's focused and knows what he needs to do to promote not just his band, but himself as well. A little bit of self promotion never hurt for a band, and it's not being selfish either. It's just smart thinking.

Will talks a lot about internet marketing for your band through social media and even advertising that you pay for. I'm not much for internet promotion, and for most bands offline promotion works better than any website, blog or social media promotion ever will.

Will's article on self promotion is well thought out and researched, as well as taking stock from his band's own promotion methods. I know you need to read the article to gain insight in band promotion and not just have that info, but take action on it. Without action you cannot sell CD's or get better paying gigs.

Most people in business or in a band never take the action required to succeed, then blame others or some inexcusable bullshit for not making their band the kind of cash they deserve. You and your band can have all the talent in the world, but if you don't practice regularly, promote and market the hell out of your band and help other bands in profitable joint ventures, then your band will stagnate and become a forgotten memory.

And don't get pissed when that band you called no talent hacks work their ass off and become better musicians and promoters, then open for the Rolling Stones and other well known acts. We always want what we don't have. Nothing wrong with that, and it's not being greedy. Just be willing to work for it.

I've went on long enough musicians. I implore you to read the article by Will Wallner on band self promotion and take notes, then take massive action for your band to succeed. You can do it.

I'll tell you what, here's a deal for you musicians. If you read the article from Will and leave me your name and email--I'll write some promtional material for your band. FREE OF CHARGE!!

I think that's a deal if you're smart you'll take me up on. Okay, I'm leaving the link to Will's important article on promoting your band. Just click the link below. Right below here guys. It's right below here.

I'll have another article of my own on effective band promotion. But click the link below for Will Wallner  and his vital post. Right below here.

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