Monday, February 4, 2013

The Key To Music Business Success--Building Solid Relationships--Not Just Music Business

This is an important post I did about 4 years ago, and it still resonates today. Music Business is vital, but getting to know others and creating value for people you or your band want to deal with, is so much more important. I got the idea for this article from Jason Moffatt a well known internet marketer who creates solid value for others. It's a fast read and if you would like me to help your band out in any way writing wise I will, free of charge. Take that!

By Mark Grove

I felt I should write another article on what the music biz is all about and what to do when going to jam sessions, concerts, watching a band or going to music seminars and workshops.

If all you do is talk about gigs, making money and the business of making music, you'll be doomed! Business should be your last priority or thing on your mind. Yeah, think what you want

Not many musicians, agents, managers or music biz people try to build lasting friendships which build a foundation of trust and honesty.Then if you decide to talk about music business, then I'll be interested.

When I go to jams I find most want to talk about making money. Then I'm put off. If you talk about how you love playing blues with other jammers, and are working on a song for an upcoming jam--I love it!

Every Musician is eventually trying to get a deal backing up other bands, label deals and doing sessions for other musicians. If you are that musician trying to get a deal--talk about creating value for other bands for free. Yes that's free.

In my last article on Pushing The Free Line for other musicians, I talk about writing articles for other musicians.Write songs for them and do sessions for free as well. Creating massive value for free and doing it out of the goodness of your heart will help you gain points with other musicians like crazy!

If all you talk about with me is business or how shitty the economy is I'll walk. I also have an article on how the shitty economy is an opportunity to make money as a musician.

If you Have a crappy home life with the wife and the kids and don't do anything to make it better, that says something about you as well. Create value for other bands, open up for other bands for free as well--then you have my undivided attention.

Creating value and just talking about music and being positive as a person will keep you in the game building solid relationships in the music business for many years.

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