Monday, January 14, 2013

Thin Lizzy Guitarist Scott Gorham Talks About The New Album, A Tour And Golden Nuggets For Players On Producing New And Old Material You Can Use In Your Band

I saw this interview with one of the greats of 70's rock guitar, Scott Gorham of Thin Lizzy, which was Phil Lynott's band. May he rest in peace. Anyway, Scott talks about the new album and the new remixes, which should give you some great ideas on how to remaster old material from your band.

As well, one player from Def Leppard had his hand in producing some of Thin Lizzy's latest material. I'll let you watch the interview to find out just who it was from Def Leppard. There are great nuggets of info you can use from this interview, not just for producing, but being a cheerleader for bands you know. Remember what I always say bands should do to help each other? Interview other bands and promote them. It's a great way to create a joint venture between bands for not just producing albums, but to be able to open for other bands and be a headliner and help bands get a start.

But watch this interview from a very laid back Scott Gorham who's one of the prince's of rock n' roll guitar. I don't have a link to any Thin Lizzy material at the moment. I'll put something up later.

Always look to learn from interviews with top players and how you can use them to help your band and other bands.

Mark Grove

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