Thursday, January 17, 2013

What Musicians Can Do To make More Cash Right Now!

Okay, I've been thinking about this for a long time. Basically, what I would do to get more bands to write for, and promote. I came up with an idea that's a little old and a little different too. Lets say you have a band and you either want to start a record label or book bands on the side to make more cash. We'll go with the booking bands because its easier to make money with than running a label.

Running a label is a waste of time for most musicians or artist types. If you have dogged determination and focus on local bands and one genre. You can succeed doing it, but its a tough racket. The booking thing is something I want to do at some point, and it can be a good way for bands to make a living, and a good agent to make a cut or their taste of the action.

Currently, as you know I write press material for bands and get them media attention and interviews. That's one of the keys right there.You'll have a promo kit you can give to agents, club bookers, indie labels or the media. You could start writing press material for bands in your town you like. If they see you're creating great value for them and getting them media attention, they'll love you all the more. Keep doing this for free and don't ask for anything in return. After a month or so ask if it would be okay to open up for free for them at their gigs.

If they say no, move on to the next band. Or, give them your idea of booking them and getting more gigs. If they say no to both, you know they just want a free ride and then you can move on to the next band. But, don't stop writing press material for other bands and getting them free media. You'll eventually find a band that will let you open for them and start getting them more bookings. It will take a while but like a famous baseball player named Babe Ruth said; " Don't Let the Fear Of Striking Out Get In Your Way".

Once you do find a band that wants extra gigs and is willing to let you book them, charge them 10% which is the average rate for bands who use an agent. It may take a while to get a band to making a grand a night, but by that time you'll get a cut of 100 bucks a gig from them. Not bad.

Keep on writing promo material for them and getting media interviews for them. Create major value for bands. You can even start your own recording service for bands. You'll find out how creative or not bands are with this idea. Record bands for free using strictly Analog equipment. Tascam 4 track, mixing board and some Shure Mic's. Don't scrimp on Mic's. You can find good deals on Ebay for all this equipment.

Don't use digital technology. Make 3 song EPs you can take to clubs and book them. Write press material for these bands as well. Think about it, you're cultivating these bands by helping them with press material, media and getting them booked. You can start your own consulting service for bands by being an A & R Rep of sorts. You can critique their work and get advice from local studios.

You write press material, record them and book them. Don't bother with starting a label. You need to focus on your own band as well. You can open for some of these bands and create joint ventures. At most what I would do is sell their CDs at gigs. Don't sell online which is a waste of time for most bands. So, you can make cash from booking them and a little from selling their CDs as well.

I realize you're doing a lot of free work, writing press material and recording them, but you can get a taste of their bookings and CD sales as well as making cash for your own band opening and being a headliner as well. You can do this if you have the guts, but most don't. Don't be the latter.

If you and your band do these things to make extra cash, you will make money from many sources, not just your band. Sometimes that's what it takes.

Much success to all musicians.


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