Friday, April 19, 2013

Black Sabbath New Track--God Is Dead?--What Do You Think?

I was just listening to the new Sabbath tune "God Is Dead" off their new album; 13. It started off slow for  me just grinding away with a bass like feel that had dark hues to the mix on the lead guitar end. It slowly  built up steam and all players seem to play lock in step with their typical metal foray in to the nether regions of their old material.

You could criticize it 19 ways to pluto, but it's all Sabbath. It's a great tune and will sound even better on a good stereo, and especially live. The album is coming out June 11th. Near the end of the song just past the 7 minute mark the song really picked up with Iommi's great feel, taking the song to new heights with his triplet like force that makes old timers like me now, just love them all the more.

I think if your band takes this song and does it your way, without any effects at first, you'll get the feel of the song and cover it at jams and in your own gigs, paying tribute to the masters of metal and mayhem, Black Sabbath. I'm hemming and hawing about going to see them in June just before the album comes out.

They'll be playing in Toronto, LA, Seattle and New York I think. Don't quote me on the last one. Email if I'm wrong on New York. So, here's God is Dead. Tell me what cha' think. I'll be on Twitter chattin' bout it as well.

Have a good listen. I like it better than a lot of the material Metallica came out with in the 90's that wasn't really Metallica material. This is definitely Sabbath material. And I think they'll play it even harder live.

The link to it is right here below this.

So enjoy and send me an email. If ya don't like it send me an email.

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