Thursday, April 25, 2013

Jimmy Page Murders Robert Plant With His Prized Gibson Les Paul!

Oh my god!! Robert Plant has been murdered by his one time Zeppelin sidekick Jimmy Page. I don't have all the details on it yet, but Jimmy has been held by English police and waiting on charges and any bail arrangements. Canadian Guitar Player had the inside track on this one with a well known source, close to the ex-Zeppelin band members.

If you believe that, then I have some Gator infested swampland in Florida ta' sell ya. Nah, the reason for this article is that Jimmy Page's Manager has stated that he has updates for fans on the new upcoming Zeppelin re-issues which are slated to come out soon. I was reading the article on Guitar World's main website.

This will be a comprehensive box set, with some surprising changes even I'll  like. I'm not going to divulge that info; you'll have to read the article which I'm going to leave a link to right here. As you all know I've never been a huge Zeppelin fan, but beyond the music in the box sets, you'll get so much more.

I used to have a partying buddy when I was 20 that played Zeppelin constantly and it used to drive me nuts!

We used to get into arguments over it. Big ones. But I digress. Whatever that means. But I know if he's out there he'll be the first in line here in Canada to buy the box sets.

There is also a book by GW editor Brad Tolinski in which he interviews Jimmy at length that a lot of rabid Zep fans will devour as well. As far as I go, I'd be interested in what methods they used in the studio and live to come up with the incredible analog sound Jimmy and company forged so long ago.

But go click the link below this and read the update from Page's Manager on the reissue box set coming out. You'll fuckin' love it!! Then go grab the box set. I assume it will be available both online and in major record stores. You won't be sorry ya bought it. Give me your thoughts on some of the. Oops, I almost let  the cat of the bag. Just read the short article from GW on the new box sets and the get the real dope on what's what with it.

Click this link below here. Yes, this link below here. Right now, don't wait. Come on, you can do it. Or you can go murder your Bass player who's been a real bitch lately. Or your producer who's been a tyrant. Choice is yours. I'd pick the article on the upcoming Zep box sets.

Just click here. No, really.

That wasn't so hard no was it? Enjoy some Zeppelin guys.

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