Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What Are You Grateful For As A Musician?

I came across a writer/musician named John Carlton a number of years ago and he knows how to get to the heart of what really matters in life in his articles. But where I'm going with all this is his recent post on being grateful really hits home as you get older fellow musicians.

Want a way to calm the mind at night? Keep a log of things you are grateful for as a musician. Think about it, it's a great way to calm the mind and stop thinking about things that don't matter a hill of beans as they say.

Just take 5 minutes and think about things in your music community you're grateful for. It could be great musicians you play with in your band and in your town. Or a musician who's a mentor to you.
Or you
could be grateful for that musician who gave you a great deal on an Ampeg amp, because he knew you were going on the road with your band and needed a roadworthy amp. But you didn't have the 500 he wanted but gave you half off.

I think about the blues artists who give their time to me and do interviews with me for free. I'm also grateful for websites like Guitar Player and Guitar World where I learn from people with expertize.
I think you could come up with 5 to ten things as a musician you're grateful for.

If you can't think of things you're grateful for as a musician, you're just not trying hard enough. 

Email me and tell me what cha' think of this article. Won't hurt ya a bit. You might even learn new things about yourself when you think about being grateful for being alive and being able to play music you love!!

Thanks guys.

Mark Grove

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