Friday, December 20, 2013

Stomp Boxes For Articles Written On Your Band---That's A Great Deal That Costs Your Band Next To Nothing!

That's right, I'm willing to write regular articles on your band, get you some needed media and maybe even a few gigs where you live. I'll even show you a few tricks to work with other bands. I'm giving you more value you than you can shake a stick at!

All you have to do is trade a stompbox for my musicians writing service. If my service can help your band get more media, and even some gigs and learn some ways to work with other bands, wouldn't it be worth it?

I think so. I'll have more details later. Just email me here at the blog if you're interested.

This is an offer I'd do in a heart beat. It costs you next to nothing, and helps your band out.

Just email me at:

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