Thursday, February 20, 2014

Why You The Musician Should Never Vote--And To Make A Boatload Of Cash And Help Other Musicians

By Mark Grove

Musicians don't vote ever. Does your vote have an impact. No.

You'll give me all kinds bullshit, like they help the poor, and Obama is creating change. Are you freaking kidding me!

The only people who can significantly change things is you and me,the middle class.The bailouts to the major banks and financial institutions? They should have to bail themselves out, and the government should make sure things are done properly.

Think about it, most businesses if they get in a jam financially they have to bail themselves out. The major corporations have had many decades to make 10's if not hundreds of billions of dollars, and should have to take from their own fortunes. The governments in both the USA and Canada can't be trusted fellow musicians. Here in Canada we have the Canada Pension Plan, much like Social Security in the US. The Canada Pension Plan lost 8.5 billion of our money, yes our money because they invested 60 percent of our money in the stock market.

That was in January of this year. Still trust the government?

I don't .I don't trust the republicans or the democrats.

What the government should be doing for musicians

I don't vote and neither should any musician. The government should be helping musicians by letting them start music based businesses that are tax free for the first year,and no payroll tax on hired employees.

No, don't be giving musicians grants and loans. Are ya stupid?

That's where the real change will happen when you give musicians and music business a chance to prosper and help others. You're already taking our money out of our music business, and you want to take more by making it harder to hire employees or session players, recording engineers or roadies and Guitar Techs.

That's Bullshit people .If you happen to have a band lucky enough to be an opener for a major act, and your band makes 20 G's a night, chances are you'll need a roadie, and possibly a guitar tech as well.

Making it more difficult by adding payroll taxes and upping taxes on businesses in general, will not make any musician want to take their music to the next level. That next level is a registered business that starts making money as a corporation. Getting any ideas musicians and inept politicians out there?

Song writing royalties, Gig pay, Session work, Film scores and video game songs. There will always be a boatload of cash in the music business, and most of it is concerts and club gigs. Real musicians will want to be in business and work their asses off to become wealthy, yes wealthy. Hire people without excessive taxes and such.

CD and album sales,for most bands won't be such a big part of making money. Even the Stones in the 70's and 80's had to rely mainly on their tours to make large amounts of cake. Okay, are you convinced that the government should cut back on taxes. I'm not saying under any circumstances a hand out. Taxes make it more difficult to go and stay in business.

I'm still not voting fellow musicians.Get real guys. Want to create real change Musicians?

Start a music business,work your ass off and make a bunch of money. And help other musicians. The government won't help so we need to help ourselves.

Peace and success players. And please don't vote.

Mark G

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