Friday, May 2, 2014

In The Studio With Redbeard Interviews Triumph

I had the great opportunity as a teenager to see Triumph in Toronto in the late 70's, and they were one of the best acts I ever saw live. Redbeard interviews Ric Emmett, Gil Moore and Mike Levine of Triumph in which they give you the rabid fan or musician who studied Triumph, some golden nuggets of info on their music and how they actually succeeded as a touring and recording act.

They are considered one of the best hard rock acts since they formed, and you'll learn so much you can use as a player or fan who wants to know more about their playing, gear, concert and studio techniques as well as how they became business people, and not just musicians.

Here's the link to the interview with Triumph and Redbeard from In The Studio.

To listen to more great rock interviews from Redbeard, go to:

I'll have more of these interviews in posts to come. But for now get a pen and paper and take notes from Triumph.

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