Thursday, June 19, 2014

Metallica's Kirk Hammett And Guitar World Take You Back To 84's "Ride The Lighning" ---And To Learn From Joe Satriani and Bass Player Cliff Burton

Kirk Hammett is definitely one of my favourite guitar players since the 80's who takes the time to learn from other players, and is great to learn from when he does interviews as well.

If you're a guitar player, play bass or even drums you can learn a lot from Rhythm type players like Kirk.

In this interview with Hammett, he talks about certain songs on Ride The Lightning and how they wrote them. As well, How Hetfield was in the mix at that time writing wise.

Kirk also learned a lot from Joe Satriani who taught him some tricks all players can use. Things like what scale to use for certain chord progressions---and how to use modes, 3 octave majors and minor scales.

In that, he taught Hammett 3 octave modes, and how to use major and minor diminished chord structures.

Joe even taught Kirk How to pick notes properly he wanted to use for guitar solos--as opposed to to just going nuts playing scales lightning fast. And how to hone in on certain tones and when to go to major or minor chords and structures.

He does not give actual specifics on these types of guitar playing, but here's what I want you to get out of this.

Take what I've wrote above and what Satriani taught Kirk, and take it to a local guitar player you respect and like their material. See if they would be willing to teach you these aspects of playing guitar.

Offer to pay them. Pay them well. Wouldn't it be worth it to learn like Kirk and use those tips to help you?

Especially if you're a working musician. I think it would. I know it would.

Oh, I almost forgot Joe even taught Kirk about finger positioning minimizing movement and being more effective on guitar. That would be worth it's weight in gold to learn these things, especially if you want to become a Session player who's in demand.

As well, in the interview, Kirk talks about Metallica Bass player Cliff Burton who always reminded me of Jazz Bass player Jaco Pastorius in his ability to play bass like a guitar player.

I think if you learn from these top players and actually use their wisdom and how they use guitar lessons, you'll do good.

The link to the interview with Kirk Hammett is below this.

Enjoy the interview and get to work on guitar guys.

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