Wednesday, October 5, 2016

How To Write A Great Musicians Bio---Or A New Tabloid Website

Just kidding about the tabloid thing. Or was I?

Tabloid journalism seems to be the way to go online or in the papers.


This is a great video for tips on how you the musician can write your band bio and do it right. There were a few pointers I didn't know about from Angela Beeching if I have her name correct.

Doing this is easier than you think,but does take some work on your part.Yes, actual work.

Yeah, you could get a record label or local writer to do it but why not learn how to write band bios and promo material yourself. If you get good enough you can do it for other bands and make money on the side,while doing gigs.

Yeah,aren't I smart?  Well,not really. I just think I am.

Angela goes into specific detail on how to compose a well thought out and done band bio For more info or advice from Angela Beeching on band bios and promoting your band to succeed, click the link below to her site.

Thanks Angela

 And much success to your band

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