Sunday, October 14, 2012

Is Selling Your Music Evil?

I swear most musicians think salesman and marketers are evil. Musicians for the most part seem to think marketing your music is akin to devil worship, and that there is no market for your music.

That's bullshit!  Unless your music is so obscure you should just burn your Cd's.

If it wasn't for salesman and weasels from record labels hawking your music, absolutely no music would get sold, no one would experience your music, and no person would have a job in music from labels to agents,managers and venues for live music.

Salespeople are the lifeblood of the music industry--and you should thank your lucky stars someone is out there hustling your music. Actually, you should be out there marketing your music.

You need to think like a salesman and marketer digging in talking to labels,agents and especially music media from radio to TV and print, as well as the internet to a small degree. You can market
your music almost for free through these media outlets to promote what you're selling.

You could have a local radio guy interview your band live at your show and mention your CD without you having to mention it, or you looking dumb in the process. And marketing your band to other bands you'd like to open for is vital to success. Things like interviewing other bands and creating value for them, can help your band in the end.

Even making a small batch of EP CD's to give away for free at gigs or press conferences can help get the word out to fans, the media and even other bands.

Marketing is not inherently evil there lads.

Even "Bible Thumpers" people who sell bibles are marketing like crazy. Selling, imagine that. You sell everyday recommending a TV show, a movie, a restaurant or a trip somewhere. Just think, if you made a couple bucks for every referral of something. Oh! Oh! I'm selling and marketing, we can't have that now, can we?

It's not a bad thing to sell your music and make some cash. you'll be happier. No you're not selling out or being greedy. So go sell your live work and studio CD's and make some cash!

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