Thursday, December 6, 2012

Why Haven't You Come Out Of The Closet? Oops, That's Why Hasn't Your Band Come Out Of The Basement And Started Making Cash??

If your band has been in the basement for months, years--whatever; and afraid to take action to get gigs or even gig at blues jams, you know what you have to do. Don't give me any bullshit about having to write more songs or get the band a bit tighter. That's fear playing in. Get over it!

Yes, fear will always rear it's ugly head when thinking about getting up onstage with your band or by yourself. Just like the kid down the street that's afraid of his shadow. I don't care if your band or you only know one song. If you have the desire to get onstage just do it. Afraid of screwing up onstage? So are the best paid players who make mega-bucks.

If your band has dreams and a vision of having a touring band opening for the biggest metal acts, you better get started shithead. Okay, think about this guys. What will happen to your band if it stays in the basement for the next 6 months, 1 year or the next 5 to 10 years? Nothing. And don't tell me you just want to play locally.

I don't care if you're the next great guitarist since Derek Trucks. And don't tell me you don't know who he is. Even if you're 15 or 20 years old time will keep on clippin' by regardless of what your band does, and if it does nothing or becomes a highly paid opening act, or headliner.

Whatcha' gonna' do when the sands of time come crashin' down on you and your band?

Nothing? Then nothing will happen with your band, ever. I don't fuckin' care if your band makes mistakes on stage constantly, but get up there despite the obstacles. That's balls. Learn from and play with players better than your band and you. Play jams, write songs even if they're shitty and give away songs for free. Yeah, free.

Learn to write your bands own press material, write press material for other bands and open for free if you have to until your band can start making money. This way other bands and clubs will know you mean business. Learn from agents, band managers and the AFM musicians union and labels.

Interview these people and above all else learn the business, take action and get gigs. Learn how contracts work. Don't depend on agents and managers to do everything. Get media for your band.

Because without offline media and getting gigs, your band is sunk. Got it Quarter Cunts? 

Mark in getting cold as a beaver's cock Canada

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