Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How Helping Other Bands Can Help Your Band Make Money--I Call It Your Results In Advance Tip

Musicians, do you find yourself always badmouthing other local musicians if they're not as good as you, or they're better than you? Why? You should be cheering them on. Reason being, you might learn something from a band that's been in the game 3 months or 30 years. Talk to these bands and offer to interview them regularly. I've told a number of bands to do this to create value for other musicians. I only know of one blues band locally that did this, and it turned into a regular gig opening for a band they helped get media. Yeah, it takes a little work on your part, but you can build a reputation not just as a good band, but one that helps musicians without asking for anything, and then after you do a number of interviews with them, and get them into local music media ask to open for them. No, you might not get paid first time around, but so what? You have to give before you get. It could turn into not just gigs for your band, but you being asked to play on other band's recordings as a session player. You can be a consultant to other bands as well, and start booking them and selling their Cds for a taste of their action. It's all good. Hope you can grab one of these ideas and run with it musicians.

I don't know about your band, but I think this is a great tip to use to help get your band more gigs and opening for other bands,bands opening for you, selling more CD's and more joint venture type of business with other bands and music industry people from record labels to guitar and effects makers and band agents and managers. If you're interested in learning more about this, just email me.

It's not just about money guys. Most of you don't make any because you won't do anything to help other bands. It's not about you or your band. I'm coming down hard on you because I want you to succeed instead of looking from the outside, or complaining about other musicians. Yeah, you might be better than most, but does that help you in the long run? No. Helping other bands does. Then you can focus on your band and making good money. 

I have a new email address. This is it. mdgrove@inbox.com

Much success to your band. By the way I have this same article up on my Facebook page. Yeah, old Mark has a FB page. I don't have the address for it, and I'll put it up here soon.

Peace and good playing musicians.

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