Friday, January 24, 2014

Why You Should Support Your Local Musician And Support Musicians Who Work Their Asses Off Whose Music You Love! #2

In my last post I talked about supporting your local musician. Especially ones who work a regular job and play in a band 3 or 4 nights a week. Or you play full-time in a blues band. Things have changed on the club scene and not as many people go to clubs. It seems that even young people don't go to clubs either. When I was in my 20's and early 30's I went to clubs even when I had very little cash to support local blues bands. To me, that's the music that matters the most. You can learn a lot from a band and what they have to do to get gigs, get media and come out with songs for a new album. To me, full time musicians are living a life most won't take the chance to live and live freely despite very little money. I doubt if Black Sabbath or The Stones made very little money for a long stretch when they first started. I was watching a movie and this guy had someone look over at this other building with people working in cubicles. He said" What do you see there"? Naturally like most people he said people in cubicles. Then the guy asking asking the question said," I see people who are trapped and if they had the chance to do it all over again, wouldn't work a regular job. I see the same thing with most people. I personally think that full time musicians live the life most of will only dream about. Even if you don't make huge dollars. Please support your local musician who work their asses off doing something they love!

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